California State law requires that all minors “under the age of 18” applying for a driver license to take Driver Education and Driver Training.

Good driver education course and driver training (actual behind-the-wheel instruction) are important because they are the foundation for the skills and attitudes you will use for the rest of your life. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes you will learn in driver education/training classes will help you avoid traffic tickets, lower your chances of being involved in accidents, and make you a safer driver.

Online Drives Ed Program is DMV approved course for all students in the State of California and will fulfill the 30 hours required by the California DMV. You can take this course anytime and anywhere at your convenience. The Driver Education online is fast, easy and convenient for teens and parents whom schedule is very busy.

The Online Drivers Education is a simple 10 unit course; the course consists of:


Driving Responsibilities

Purpose: Introduce Student to some of the general responsibilities associated with driving, the meaning of a driver license, the importance of driver education, and the impact of the automobile on society.


The Human Physical and Psychological Issues “The Driver”

Purpose: Acquaint the student with important physical and psychological issues of the driver. Includes vision, hearing, emotional state, and an introduction to the effects of alcohol and drugs.


The Effect of Natural Forces on Your Vehicle

Purpose: Acquaint the student with some of the natural forces acting on a vehicle while stopping, maneuvering, and during a crash. Explain why certain features of a vehicle and maneuvers mitigate the effects of crash forces.


Signs, Signals, & Road Markings

Purpose: Acquaint the student with purpose and meaning of traffic signs, signals, and road markings.


Licensing, Registration, and the California Vehicle Code

Purpose: Acquaint the student with the laws and procedures for obtaining a driver license, registering and owning a vehicle, and the scope and general content of the California Vehicle Code.


Vehicle Components and Systems

Purpose: Acquaint the student with a vehicle’s main systems and components in terms of their purpose, safe and legal use, maintenance, and certain economic considerations. Includes vehicle purchase issues.


Rules of the Road and Safe Driving Practices: Urban and Rural Driving

Purpose: Acquaint the student with the rules of the road and safe driving practices. Includes issues dealing specifically with city and urban driving, rural driving, and freeways.


Licensing, Registration, and the California Vehicle Code

Purpose: Acquaint the student with the laws and procedures for obtaining a driver license, registering and owning a vehicle, and the scope and general content of the California Vehicle Code.


Sharing the Road

Purpose: Describe for the student the issues related to sharing the roadway with other vehicles, pedestrians, and animals. Includes issues dealing with pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, large trucks, emergency vehicle, animals, school buses, construction equipment, trolleys, and trains.


Alcohol and Drugs

Purpose: Acquaint the student with the effects o alcohol and drugs on driving performance, how the law treats driving under the influence, and how to avoid accidents involving alcohol and drugs.

At the end of each unit you will find a test. In order to continue to the next unit, you must pass the test with at least 80% score. At the end of the Online Drivers Education course you will be given a final test, your score should be at least 80% also.

Once the student finishes the Online Drivers Education course successfully, a Certificate of Completion of Driver Education OL 237 will be issued and mailed within 3 days.

This certificate will enable the student to take his/her written test at any DMV in California to obtain his/her permit. Once the student obtains his /her permit he/ she will need to contact our office to schedule his/her first appointment of the Driver Training lessons.

The student learners Permit is not valid until the student completes his/her first driving lesson with a driving school instructor.